Wednesday 13 January 2021

History of Legal Translation

The law was written in a very different way depending on the era and the countries. Throughout history, lawyers have always faced the challenges of the world's linguistic diversity. Legal translators, for example, had to transpose Roman law, written in Latin, into many other languages to enable its dissemination and understanding. Sometimes they also had to translate a customary law formulated orally in a local language into a right written in another language. Legal translation services in dubai therefore appears to be "a permanent issue" and "an activity inherent in the science of law".

Problems with Legal Translation

In the field of legal texts, in particular texts of international value (examples: international conventions, patents, commitment, labelling or cross-border value contracts) or cross-border application (examples: European directive or regulation), particular and important "good translation" issues exist, sometimes with compliant certification processes (compliant translation).

Language and its accuracy are of major importance in law. The translator can sometimes to improve his work rely on juris consults, work of philosophy of law, and especially semiotics and legal linguistics.

However, some legal concepts are not universally shared and are difficult to translate; on the other hand some countries such as Switzerland have chosen for their civil code to use the common language to write law while others such as Germany or Portugal when it recently rewrote its right have chosen to use a very technical and precise language (jargon, vocabulary and "non-popular" turns), but not understandable for an average individual.

While it is relatively easy for a translator competent in the right to transpose or translate an abstruse but precise legal text into a clearer text for everyone, the reverse is more delicate. The translator, even if he is himself a lawyer, often has to interpret.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Growth hacking is an SEO agency

 Making a literal translation of the term, it can be said that Growth Hacking is equivalent to “learning growth habits” and it is an increasingly necessary Konzept für online marketing agentur nürnberg in general. 

It can be said that the main intention of Growth Hacking is to find ways to develop business. And it is that this refers more to a group mentality than to a specific strategy or practice. 

However, to apply it correctly, you must pay special attention to 3 main points:



experimentation with data analysis.


The Key Performance Indicator or key performance indicators are metrics on various actions and areas, to identify the effectiveness of a strategy or action in Digital Marketing.

It is very common to see that professionals think that any metric is a KPI. And the reality is that it is not. The KPIs are relevant indicators for your business and your goals.

There are different types of KPIs, according to their level of importance. For example:

Primary : leads, CAC, conversion rate, total income, traffic, among others.

Secondary : cost of each lead in the different stages of the sales funnel, subscribers to a blog, recurring visitors, cost per visitor and subscribers to a newsletter.

Practical : bounce rate, pageviews, Pagerank, most searched keywords, most read content and more.

SEO optimization techniques

 develop a website and keep it updated;

add new content to it when necessary;

apply SEO optimization techniques ;

optimization of images, keywords, and more - to generate more organic traffic;

create several projects with different objectives - like a blog and a virtual store at the same time;

increase page loading speed ;

lower costs for updating and maintaining the website, among others.

All this contributes and favors the user experience, at the same time that it facilitates several resources for the effectiveness of your strategies.

WordPress is the platform that calmly leads the CMS market worldwide, but there is also Drupal, Joomla, Blogger (from Google), Wix, and others.


The engagement in Online Marketing can be translated as the level of identification and emotional connection with customers and prospects with a product or service.

It can be measured according to the times or places where there is an interaction between users and the company. This serves to:

determine the quality of interaction between the brand and the audience;

understand what products or content they like to see;

measure the level of identification they feel with some materials;

have user feedback for the brand.


Customer loyalty is all those actions and strategies that seek to provoke, durch online marketing agentur nürnberg, that customers return to consume products and services they have already purchased.

This has multiple benefits in addition to the evident increase in the company's sales, such a

retain customers;

lower customer acquisition costs;

obtain more resources to cover expenses or generate new business opportunities;

become an authority in the area;

get data from loyal customers to be more competitive;

that users become ambassadors and propagators of the brand.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Mauritius 'Attractive' Destination For Foreign Wedding Couples

Happy couples looking to get married abroad are getting hitched in increasingly exotic locations, it has been suggested.

According to Ron Cropper, representative for, the Caribbean islands, Mauritius and Cyprus are some of the most popular options for those wishing for a foreign wedding.

However, he warned couples that unless they are careful when booking their foreign wedding they could find themselves "queuing up on a beach to get married".
He said: "We recommend Mauritius as our prime destination. It's one of the few locations where we can guarantee one wedding per day."

Those aiming on going on a foreign honeymoon, meanwhile, should ensure that they have taken out an adequate travel insurance policy.

Earlier this year, Graeme Trudgill, technical services manager for the British Insurance Brokers' Association, claimed that newlyweds looking to go on a honeymoon abroad should see getting travel insurance as being "as important as your suitcase". Read more about Romance on our official blog.

Thursday 23 June 2016

pizza calories in fast food

Let us take a moment to recognize one of our favorite hobby tacky. The cheese super pizza  is to have you go through a night; this is a leftover breakfast food. This is for kids ideal birthday party.

It is a very beloved food of all, which is why so many TV shows and movies prominently. Note that any writer: If you want to make better, simply add the pizza place, and prosperity on a big stage cheesy, delicious piece! Oscar-winning moment.
Read: What happens here, if you super eat Chrissy Teigen recipes one week
Today we commemorate, it gives us a look at the most important pop culture moments pizza so much joy iconic foods:

1. Home Alone 2

20th Century Fox
Pisa have played an important role in Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
It is the essence of what rolling the ball left the little boy started alone.
Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) is a typical child. He just wants some cheese super pizza, his family line a few pies for cheese dinner. His older brother bullied there anything left to say, laugh at him.
So, get Kevin in combat, sending the attic, and his family, who went to a Christmas holiday leave. He inevitably indulge in these two films pizza, because that is when you treat yourself, what you do.
Since the first set alone in the Chicago area, established in New York and the sequel, he even got the best of two iconic city of Pisa.
In the back of a limo pizza is #GOALS.
Reading: This is how many calories you use your blots rescue Pisa
2. Breaking Bad

In three seasons of AMC Breaking Bad Walter White (Bryan Cranston) arrives home with his son and a large cheese super pizza for the family dinner, but his wife would not let him in the house .